September 9, 2015

Who am I and my previous experiences with technology

Hello, my name is Abdulla Bin Ghaleb and I am an ITGS student at Deira international school, I am from the United Arab Emirates, specifically from the emirate of Dubai. Being in Dubai I have witnessed a small city transform into one of the world’s leading cities in terms of finance and tourism, this has been possible by the discovery of many oil wells around the area making it very oil rich and technologically advanced, being amidst this fast technological growth has allowed me to experience technology and use it in my everyday life, without it our world stops, innovation and progress comes to a halt. This is the reason I appreciate technology and not take it for granted .The reason I chose ITGS for IB is because I want to implement my ICT skills into real life situations and learn how to make use of them using the available software .

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