September 10, 2015

When we talk about IT automation of a manual process, then does it gives rise to unemployment?

IT automation has been a large factor in increasing unemployment rates in the 21st century , but this doesn't necessarily mean that IT automation is a negative part of our society, like everything else in this worlds it has its pros and cons and from what has been observed so far the pros outweigh the cons by a large amount , some of these pros are that automation in the industry can increase efficiency , output and lower the production costs , however these automated machines are a replacement to human workers who work to support their families , this example is more beneficial to the company than to the worker, however there are different ways in which automation has affected our everyday lives, one major aspect is autonomous cars , which require almost no driver input for the car to take you from point A to point B , obviously this is very beneficial to the users safety and comfort as the aspect of human error has been taken out , Overall , i think IT automation is a turn for the better and will help our world thrive and develop at a great pace.

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