September 9, 2015

What is the difference between ITGS and IT?

Before getting into the detailed differences ,lets see what they stand for. IT stands for simply "Information Technology" and ITGS stands for "Information Technology in a Global Society". In ITGS we study about how technology can be used to help us complete everyday tasks easily and more efficiently , in IT you would study the functions of the technology and how it works, however in ITGS we go a step further and see how these new technologies can be implemented into our lives and having a positive effect on the stakeholders using it , ITGS also helps us visualize technology in a more realistic scenario and see technology in its true light allowing us to clearly point out its weaknesses and strengths .

1 comment:

  1. Well done on creating your ITGS blog for sharing your learning experience. Keeping your blog organized is the first step, than continue to convey your own meanings and interpretations of what you are reading in your own words (no copy and paste - it should never be a habit if you ever did it in the past). Work on your ability to discuss technology and link it to real life hands-on experience is key to making it your blog feel natural and real to people. 

    Try and post comments to fellow bloggers as they will more likely to return the acknowledgment and post back to yours. This kind of feedback is a learning-based environment that will empower you to speak your mind and formulate opinions. Not only will this blog serve you well in ITGS and increase your CAS hours, your reading comprehension will improve that is helpful for everything you do and other benefits such as: 
    + Real and authentic writing practice
    + Confidence and desire to express themselves
    + Knowledge that encourages them to be experts in their topics
    + Improve retention of the ITGS terminology, command terms and triangle analysis

    An impressive start to your ITGS blog and a nice history to your life in the UAE that was interesting to read. Many posts created by separating the questions up which is a clever trick. To improve your grade, I would have liked to see something fun like a video or interactive elements and some more examples of extreme views on ITGS. You achieved 15/20 which is a grade 7. Well done and carry on posting like you are!
    Mr Masters
